Just a couple of my favorite exhibits and warm fuzzies
The Freeport Art Museum Exhibit
You enter an exhibit for the 1st time & really do not know much about the gallery or place where your piece is going. Now this blew me away! "Strung Out" was my accepted piece. (It is the 2nd piece on the right of their card) The exhibit was in 2 rooms on the main floor. This old historical art museum has artifacts dating back to the 13th century! What great collections of art people have donated to this museum. Japanese, Egyptian, Indian, Chinese the list goes on. How cool is this place? I am honored to have a piece even hanging OUTSIDE of this building! My jaw dropped checking out this incredible building and the pieces they have.

Fez Fest Exhibit 2015 Elgin Art Lofts I never had so much fun! It was a blast!
From the belly dancers to The Medinah Shriners from Addison. Shriners are known for their Fezs'. There is a creed among Shriners which I will post next. Each division of Medina Shriners have different vehicles they ride & do parades & events as 100% of the money goes to The Shriners Children Hospital. Should you care to donate to this wonderful causehttp://www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org/
The whole exhibit was absolutely amazing down to each tiny detail for last night's one night show. From print materials, to small details of the heart was shown by the HARD work of David Metzger & staff. You are a star hon and we all had a blast. The time & effort you put into last night was amazing. Thank you for making that exhibit so SPECIAL. My evening was spent with other wonderful friends & new friends. Mike Rende, James Harvey (who did a photo shoot with me on the bike (so kisses), Ula Borodzinska, Jeffrey Pierce, Ken Simonsen & some of the nicest people you can cross paths with! Thank you for making last night a one to cherish & remember! Hugs & kisses to all.

A Fun Solo Exhibit
August 22nd at The Starline Gallery 2014
I dedicate my exhibit to all the people that I love so deeply that are so near & dear to my heart. For all of my new friends that I have met on my journey filling my life with love, encouragement & touching souls. Thank you all for being such beautiful people............ this show is for you. With love,

And A Good Time Was
Had By All!

Thank you beautiful people for including me in multiple exhibits a year in this beautiful courthouse. Hugs! This building is filled with history and every exhibit showcases such a wonderful variety of artworks. Yearly I have exhibited in their Womens' Works and Real People along with others. I see my talented fellow artists from nere and far for these exhibits. The E/nd took a take on how life evolves but it will always end. They chose four of my pieces for this exhibit. "Aye Carumba", "With Love And Respect", I Have A Monkey On My Back" and "Celebrate and Rejoice" all being Day of the dead pieces.
The E/nd Exhibit 2015 Woodstock Old Courthouse

"Women's Work" 2015 Exhibit
This year I have submitted 3 pieces to the "Women’s Works" Exhibit featuring the artistic achievements of women. Women's Works 2015 will run from March 12 to May 2, 2015. The gala Artists' Reception is scheduled for Saturday, March 21. A 'Sneak Peek At My 3 Entries. I was feeling super whimsical when I submitted! As you can see! ""Strung Out" was chosen & on exhibit now. It turned out they would only allow 1 piece per artist. But they put in 120 incredible artists! GREAT work.